The Operators’ Training Centre has been working for over 15 years but if fact we can boast about 20 years’ experience. We provide comprehensive training services for various professional groups. Our offer comprises UDT [Bureau of Technical Inspection (Urząd Dozoru Technicznego)] and PEA [Polish Electricians’ Association] and pick-up truck crane training courses as well as training courses concerning occupational health and safety, fire protection and pre-medical first aid. Furthermore, we specialize in occupational health and safety and fire protection services for companies.
Our main aim is to provide our clients with training services on the highest level. In our Centre there are instructors with long-term experience, qualified methodologists and other professionals who take care of the quality of education and satisfaction of participants in all our branches. According to surveys evaluating our courses, 98% participants would definitely recommend them for other people.
We cooperate with such institutions as the Bureau of Technical Inspection (Urząd Dozoru Technicznego) and the Polish Electricians’ Association. Together with their experts we prepare syllabuses and licence exams. In order to make our education on the highest level our training rooms are equipped with the modern equipment and we emphasis the practice – both our theoretical and practical classes are run with the use of activating methods.
Our seat is located in Warsaw – here participants learn in professionally-equipped training rooms. We also kindly invite you to our branches in Cracow, Katowice and Bielsko-Biała.
We focus on the needs of our clients, so if you require professional assistance in training of your employees or you just want to improve your position in the labour market check our offer, choose the convenient date and enrol yourself or your employee on the training course. Should you have any questions we are always at your disposal – call us, write an e-mail or visit one of our branches.
Our Operators’ Training Centre is a private educational institution carrying out training courses entered into the register of schools and private institutions of the City of Warsaw.
We kindly encourage you to use our services!
The team of the Operators’ Training Centre